

珍妮·克莱里披露的校园安全政策和校园犯罪统计 法案(20 USC§1092(f))是具有里程碑意义的联邦法律,最初被称为校园 安全法案,该法案要求美国各地的学院和大学 公开校园内外的犯罪信息.

因为这项法律与参与联邦学生经济援助计划有关 它适用于大多数公立和私立高等教育机构. 它是 由美国强制执行.S. 教育部.

“克莱利法案”是为了纪念19岁的利哈伊大学新生珍妮而命名的 Ann Clery who was raped and murdered while asleep in her residence hall room on April 5, 1986.

 云顶集团的校园犯罪统计数据由 云顶集团警察局.

 在最大程度上,云顶集团致力于提供 安全可靠的环境. 该报告是联邦法律要求的,包含 学校的犯罪统计.

本报告中包含了某些类型的三年来的统计数据 据报发生在校园内、校内或校外的犯罪 or property owned or controlled by the school and on public property within or immediately 毗邻校园. 准备每年公布犯罪统计数字

 云顶集团警察局负责协调收集和报告 《云顶集团4008om》中规定的犯罪统计数据 政策与犯罪统计法. 本报告是在合作下编写的 与云顶集团警察局,当地执法机构和 学生事务处. 云顶集团警察局每年都会派出 a written request to outside 校园 Security Authorities requesting information about all Clery Crimes that have occurred on the 云顶集团克莱里地理学院 that 向他们报告. 云顶集团确实允许个人举报犯罪 在保密、自愿的基础上列入年度犯罪披露 统计数据.

云顶集团警察学生事务处的犯罪活动报告 and reports of crimes made to local law enforcement agencies are collected and included 根据《云顶集团》的要求,在年度安全报告中予以披露. 您也可以申请一个 云顶集团警察局的复印件.


珍妮·克莱里披露的校园安全政策和校园犯罪统计 行为

根据《云顶集团4008om》第20条第1092(f)条,“珍妮·克莱里披露…… 校园 Security 政策 and 校园 Crime Statistics 行为," and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) requires that each institution of higher education in the United States which 参与联邦学生援助项目的人必须制作并分发年度报告 载有犯罪统计数字和安全政策说明的报告. 未能提供 required information or the inclusion of inaccurate information may result in significant 罚款

“Clery行为” Crime Definitions from the National Incident-Based Reporting System Edition 统一犯罪报告计划(FBI)

The following definitions are given in the final regulations on the Violence Against 《云顶集团4008om》,由教育部起草,发表于《云顶集团4008om》第2卷. 79, No. 202 《云顶集团4008om》于2014年10月20日生效.

纵火 -任何故意或恶意焚烧或企图焚烧,无论有意或无意 defraud, a dwelling ho使用, public building, motor vehicle or aircraft, personal property 等的.

加重攻击罪 - An unlawful attack by one person upon another for the purpose of inflicting severe 或者加重的身体伤害. 这种类型的攻击通常伴随着使用 用可能造成死亡或巨大身体伤害的武器或方法. )没有必要 that injury result from an aggravated assault when a gun, knife, or other weapon is 如果犯罪,可能而且可能会造成严重的人身伤害 成功完成.)

入室盗窃 -非法进入建筑物进行重罪或盗窃. 报告 目的本定义包括:非法进入意图实施盗窃 or felony; breaking and entering with intent to commit a larceny; ho使用breaking; safecracking; 以及所有犯下上述任何罪行的企图.

刑事杀人 - Manslaughter by Negligence - The killing of another person through gross negligence.

刑事杀人 -谋杀和非过失杀人-故意(非过失)杀害他人 人类被另一个.

约会暴力 -处于或曾经处于某一社会关系中的人实施的暴力行为 与受害者有浪漫或亲密的关系.

(i) The existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on the reporting party’s statement and with consideration of the length of 的关系, the type 关系,以及参与其中的人之间互动的频率 的关系.


(A) Dating 暴力 includes, but is not limited to, sexual or physical ab使用 or the 这种虐待的威胁.

(B)约会暴力不包括家庭暴力定义所涵盖的行为 暴力.

(iii)为了遵守本节和§668的要求.41, any incident meeting this definition is considered a crime for the purposes of Clery 行动报告.





(C)由与受害人同居或曾与受害人同居的人作为 配偶或亲密伴侣;

(D)由与受害人的配偶地位相同的人根据家庭或 发生暴力犯罪的司法管辖区的家庭暴力法; or

(E)任何其他人对受保护的成人或青少年受害人进行侵害 person’s acts under the domestic or family 暴力 laws of the jurisdiction in which 暴力犯罪发生了.

(ii)为了遵守本节和§668的要求.41, any incident meeting this definition is considered a crime for the purposes of Clery 行动报告.

滥用药物罪行 - The violation of laws prohibiting the production, distribution, and/or 使用 of certain controlled substances and the equipment or devices utilized in their preparation and/or 使用. The unlawful cultivation, manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, 使用, possession, 运输、进口管制药品或麻醉药品. 逮捕 for violations of State and local laws, specifically those relating to the unlawful 麻醉药品的持有、销售、使用、种植、制造和制造.

被溺爱的人– The touching of the private body parts of another person for the purpose of sexual gratification, without the consent 受害者的尸体, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent beca使用 of his/her age or beca使用 of his/her temporary 或者永久性精神残疾.

仇恨犯罪 -向当地警察机构或校园安全部门报告的犯罪 manifests evidence that the victim was intentionally selected beca使用 of the perpetrator’s 对受害者的偏见. 为了本节的目的,偏见的类别 包括受害者实际的或被认为的种族、宗教、性别、性别认同, 性取向,种族,国籍和残疾.

乱伦 - Sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees 其中婚姻为法律所禁止.

恐吓 -非法地将他人置于对身体伤害的合理恐惧中 使用威胁的语言和/或其他行为,但没有展示武器或 让受害者遭受实际的身体攻击.

酒类违法行为 -违反国家或地方禁止制造的法律或条例; sale, purchase, transporting, possession, or 使用 of alcoholic beverages, not including 酒后驾车.

机动车辆盗窃 -盗窃或企图盗窃机动车辆. (归类为机动车盗窃 all cases where automobiles are taken by persons not having lawful access even though 这些车辆后来被遗弃——包括兜风.)

强奸 -阴道或肛门与身体任何部位的插入,无论多么轻微 or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent 受害者的尸体.

抢劫 - The taking or attempting to take anything of value from the care, custody, or control of a person or persons by force or threat of force or 暴力 and/or by putting the 恐惧中的受害者.

性犯罪 - Any sexual act directed against another person, without the consent 受害者的尸体, 包括受害者没有能力给予同意的情况.

性侵犯 - An offense that meets the definition of rape, fondling, incest, or statutory rape as 使用d in the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting program and included in Appendix A [of 《云顶集团》).

简单的攻击 -一个人对另一个人进行非法的身体攻击,而双方都没有 displays a weapon, nor the victim suffers obvious severe 或者加重的身体伤害 involving apparent broken bones, loss of teeth, possible internal injury, severe laceration, 或者失去意识.

跟踪 -

(i)从事针对某一特定人员的行为,可能造成 通情达理的人

(A) Fear for the person’s safety or the safety of others; or



(A)行为过程是指两种或两种以上的行为,包括但不限于行为 in which the stalker directly, indirectly, or through third parties, by any action, method, device, or means follows, monitors, observes, surveils, threatens, or communicates 对某人的,对某人的,或干涉某人财产的.

(B) Reasonable person means a reasonable person under similar circumstances and with 和死者身份相似.

实质性的情绪困扰是指严重的精神痛苦或痛苦 这可能(但不一定)需要医疗或其他专业治疗 或咨询.

(iii) For the purposes of complying with the requirements of this section and section 668.41 .任何符合这一定义的云顶集团4008om都被视为犯罪 克莱利法案的报道.

法定强奸罪 -与未达到法定同意年龄的人发生性关系.

武器:携带、占有等. -违反禁止制造、销售、购买、 运输、持有、藏匿或使用枪支、切割工具; 炸药、燃烧装置或其他致命武器.

云顶集团克莱里地理学院 -校园安全当局有义务报告克莱利法案规定的犯罪行为 发生在可报告地点的云顶集团4008om.

校园 –  (i) Any building or property owned or controlled by an institution within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area and 使用d by the institution in direct support of, or in a manner related to, the institution's educational purposes, including residence halls; and (ii) any building or property that is within or reasonably contiguous to the area identified in paragraph (i) of this definition, that is owned by the institution but controlled by another person, is frequently 使用d by students and supports institutional 用途(如食品或其他零售供应商).

公共财产 -《云顶集团》条例将“公共财产”定义为所有公共财产 包括大道,街道,人行道,和停车设施 校园内,或紧挨着校园并可从校园进入. 包括 sidewalk across the street from your campus, but do not include public property beyond 人行道上.


可报告旅行 -根据克莱利法案,云顶集团必须披露一份 annual basis certain reported crime 统计数据 that occur during University sponsored /安排国内和国际学生旅行.